

In the context of extra-sensory perception, the telepath is a trained practitioner who is capable of sending or receiving thoughts or mental impressions to or from another person, without the need for any external sensory input or verbal communication. The telepath would then place themselves under a hypnotic state, which is a state of increased focused attention, active imagination and heightened suggestibility induced by themselves in order to establish and facilitate telepathic communication.
The telepath uses their abilities to “tune in” to the field of all probabilities and possibilities where the client’s subconscious mind is merged, and receive impressions or information related to the client. This information may then be communicated to the client, either through verbal communication or other means, depending on the specific techniques or methods employed by the telepath.
The role of the telepath can be seen as analogous to that of a surrogate, acting as a conduit for accessing and conveying information from the client’s subconscious mind to the awareness of the telepath, with the aim of uncovering unresolved issues or traumas from the past that may be influencing the client’s present thoughts, emotions, or behaviors. This is all done with the client’s permission of working with their subtle body and their “circles of awareness.”

An Extrasensory Perception (ESP) Reading Session is a type of psychic or intuitive reading where the reader perceives information using their extra sensory perception beyond the known physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. ESP is often referred to as the sixth sense, and it encompasses various psychic abilities such as clairvoyance (the ability to see beyond the physical realm), clairaudience (the ability to hear beyond ordinary hearing), clairsentience (the ability to sense or feel energies or emotions), and telepathy (the ability to read thoughts or transmit information without verbal or written communication).

During an ESP Reading Session, the telepath (reader) may use their intuitive abilities to tap into the client’s energy field and connect with the most aware aspect (part) of the client to receive information. The reader may provide insights, guidance, and predictions about various aspects of the client’s life, including relationships, career, health, spiritual growth, past lives, or mental or physical parasitic activities.ESP Reading Sessions are often conducted in a one-on-one setting, either in person, over the phone, or online.

It’s crucial to approach ESP Reading Sessions with an open mind and discernment, and to understand that the information provided by the extra sensory perception telepath is subjective and based on their own interpretation of the extra sensory impressions they receive. As with any type of psychic or intuitive reading, it’s essential to use your own judgment and intuition to evaluate the information and make decisions that resonate with your own inner knowing.


In the context of extra-sensory perception, the telepath is a trained practitioner who is capable of sending or receiving thoughts or mental impressions to or from another person, without the need for any external sensory input or verbal communication. The telepath would then place themselves under a hypnotic state, which is a state of increased focused attention, active imagination and heightened suggestibility induced by themselves in order to establish and facilitate telepathic communication.

The telepath uses their abilities to “tune in” to the field of all probabilities and possibilities where the client’s subconscious mind is merged, and receive impressions or information related to the client. This information may then be communicated to the client, either through verbal communication or other means, depending on the specific techniques or methods employed by the telepath.

The role of the telepath can be seen as analogous to that of a surrogate, acting as a conduit for accessing and conveying information from the client’s subconscious mind to the awareness of the telepath, with the aim of uncovering unresolved issues or traumas from the past that may be influencing the client’s present thoughts, emotions, or behaviors. This is all done with the client’s permission of working with their subtle body and their “circles of awareness.”




Sabio Janiak  is NOT a medical doctor. Hypnotic regression is NOT a medical treatment and is NOT its substitute


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